Beispiel einer Liberteen-Schriftart #1

Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:

  • Ausführung:Version 1.001
  • Warenzeichen:Liberteen is a trademark of ParaType, Inc.
  • Gesellschaft:ParaType Ltd
  • Designer:Alexander Lubovenko
  • Kurzbeschreibung:Liberteen is a display typeface combining contemporary sharpness of lettershapes and post-modern irony in details with historical roots. The typeface is based on slab-serif faces of the 19th century including famous Clarendon. Liberteen is not a revival but rather a free interpretation of traditional design. Its lightest and darkest styles work perfectly in extra large sizes and Regular is suitable for a short text setting. Liberteen is a proper typeface for putting together allusions to the 19th century type revolution and a contemporary layout. The typeface was designed by Alexander Lubovenko and released by ParaType in 2015.
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