Schriftart GC Twenty Eighteen Pro (2018 Commonwealth Games)
- Lizenz: Bezahlte Schriftart
- Sprachunterstützung: Latein
- Stichworte: Baseball, Hockey, Rugby, Skifahren, sport, sportvereine, Tennis, wettkämpfe
Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:
- Ausführung:Version 21.006
- Warenzeichen:GoldCoast2018 is a trademark of the 2018 Commonwealth Games organising committee
- Gesellschaft:Witekite + Australian Type Foundry
- Designer:Australian Type Foundry + Witekite
- Kurzbeschreibung: GC2018 Pro is reserved for the exclusive use of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Organising committee and agencies. Unauthorised use, distribution or reproduction is prohibited.
- Lizenz: GC2018 Pro is reserved for the exclusive use of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Organising committee and agencies. Unauthorised use, distribution or reproduction is prohibited.