Schriftart Duru Sans

Beispiel einer Duru Sans-Schriftart #1

Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:

  • Ausführung:Version 1.002
  • Warenzeichen:Duru is a trademark of Sorkin Type Co.
  • Gesellschaft:Onur Yazcgil
  • Designer:Onur Yazcgil
  • Kurzbeschreibung:Duru is low contrast a classic 20th century style sans design. Duru is a new take on mixing the humanist urge with the modernist one.Duru also somehow manages to be elegant and a workhorse type at the same time. Duru can be used at a wide range ofsizes.
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  • Lizenz:This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
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