Schriftart Crystal Palace FC
- Lizenz: Unbekannt
- Sprachunterstützung: Latein
- Stichworte: Fußball, sport, sportvereine, wettkämpfe
Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:
- Ausführung:1.000
- Gesellschaft:copyright Bold&Bold Ltd
- Designer:Bold&Bold
- URL:
- Lizenz:Bold&Bold End User Licence Agreement (EULA) Read the following carefully it contains important information about the Licence�Agreement of this Font Software. Do not give this font software to any third party. All Suppliers must obtain their own licensed copy. Do not modify, adapt, de-compile, disassemble, duplicate or copy this font. Fonts are software and are protected law.� You are bound by the Terms and Conditions set out below. 1. �Bold&Bold� as used herein shall mean collectively Bold&Bold Ltd, its�successors and assignees, its parent and affiliated corporations, its authorized�distributors, and any third party which has licensed to Bold&Bold any or all of�the components of the Font Software supplied to you pursuant to the EULA. 2. �Software� means the font software of the typeface design contained in these�files. Bold&Bold is the sole owner of this software. 3. Bold&Bold hereby grants to you (the �Licensee�), and the Licensee agrees to�accept a licence for a five year period starting 1.11.14 � 31.10.19.�If you�require access to the Software after this date,�or wish to use it at another�location you must purchase a Licence Extension. Bold&Bold retains all rights,�title and interest to the Software and its design. 4. To protect the proprietary rights of Bold&Bold, the Licensee agrees to�maintain the Software and other proprietary information of Bold&Bold in strict�confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating access to and�use of the Software. The Licensee shall not assign or transfer or sub-licence�any of its rights in the Software without prior written consent from Bold&Bold. 5. The Licensee agrees not to duplicate, copy or modify, adapt, translate,�reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the Software without prior written�consent from Bold&Bold. Bold&Bold must carry out any modifications of the�font software.� 6. You may not alter Font Software for the purpose of adding any functionality�which such Font Software did not have when delivered to you by Bold&Bold. If�the Font Software contains embedding bits that limit the capabilities of the Font�Software, you may not change or alter the embedding bits. Font Software may�not be used to create or distribute any electronic document in which the Font�Software, or any part thereof, is embedded in a format that permits editing,�alterations, enhancements, or modifications by the recipient of such document.�If you have reason to believe that a recipient of an electronic document�possesses the capability to edit, alter, enhance, or modify such electronic�document even though you have distributed it in a format which does not�permit such editing, alteration, enhancement, or modification, you shall not�transmit such document to such a person. 7. This Licence is effective until terminated by written agreement between the�Licensee and Bold&Bold or by Bold&Bold immediately if the Licensee fails to�comply with any of the terms of this Licence and such failure not remedied�within twenty one (21) days after notice from Bold&Bold when this Licence�expires or is terminated, the Licensee shall immediately cease all use of the�Software and shall either return to Bold&Bold or destroy and provide proof of�the destruction of all copies of the Software and documentation as requested. 8. Bold&Bold warrants that for thirty (30) days after delivery, the Software will�perform in accordance materially with its required specifications and the media�will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Bold&Bold does not�warrant that the Software is free from bugs, errors and omissions, or that it will�perform with future operating systems. 9. The Licensee�s exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Bold&Bold in�connection with this Licence is to repair or replace defective or damaged font�files, upon their return to Bold&Bold along with the correct invoice number and�paperwork. It is the sole responsibility of the Licensee to make a back-up copy�of the software upon delivery. In no event will Bold&Bold be liable for lost�profits, lost business, lost data or any other incidental or consequential�damages, or any damages caused by the abuse or misapplication of the�Software by the Licensee. 10. This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with English law�and the parties irrevocably agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English�Courts. 11. Neither party shall be bound by any statement or representation not�contained in the Agreement. No change in this Agreement is effective unless�written and signed by properly authorised representatives of each party. 12. This Licence constitutes your entire understanding with Bold&Bold and you�acknowledge that you have read it and accepted its terms and conditions. BY PURCHASING THIS SOFTWARE AND PLACING YOUR ORDER YOU ARE�AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE LICENCE TERMS ABOVE. IF YOU DO�NOT AGREE TO THE ABOVE LICENCE TERMS DO NOT PROCEED WITH�THIS PURCHASE. ONCE PURCHASED THIS SOFTWARE IS NON�REFUNDABLE AND TERMS ARE BINDING.
- Lizenz URL: