Schriftart Bw Modelica
- Lizenz: Nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch
- Sprachunterstützung: Kyrillisch, Latein
- Autor: Alberto Romanos (Zaragoza, Spain)
- Stichworte: dünn, leicht, moderne, serifenlose, Web-Schriftarten
Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:
- Ausführung:Version 3.000;PS 003.000;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775
- Gesellschaft:Branding with Type
- Designer:Alberto Romanos
- Lizenz:������������������������������������������� Branding with Type DEMO license ������������������������������������������� By downloading and/or installing this font you agree to the following user license terms: Allowed usage:� You may use the font to create products/visuals for testing and/or evaluation purposes only. � You may use the font in as many workstations as you might need, always within your company. Not allowed usage: � You may not use the font in any products/visuals that are publicly available. � You may not sell this font.� You may not redistribute this font.� You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on this font.� You may not convert the font to webfont or any other file formats. � � For using the font to create products/visuals to be used commercially, or personally, please purchase one of our commercial licenses available from or contact us at ������������������������������������������� � Alberto Romanos / Branding with Type Licenses issued from 1 May 2016 All rights reserved