Beispiel einer AJ Quadrata-Schriftart #1
  • Lizenz: Bezahlte Schriftart
  • Sprachunterstützung: Kyrillisch, Latein
  • Autor: Adam Jagosz
  • Stichworte: ,

Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:

  • Ausführung:1.000
  • Gesellschaft:Adam Jagosz
  • Designer:Adam Jagosz
  • Kurzbeschreibung:Once Blackletter was a calligraphy style. Full of ligatures, with letters bumping each other to create an unapologetic picket-fence pattern. Some even claimed that the regularity improved legibility! But then Blackletter was cast into metal, and only a handful of ligatures survived that were considered orthographic. Everyone since followed suit and digital Blackletter fonts were modelled, at least ideologically, on the metal fonts rather than the original handwriting. Quadrata aims to change that.