Schriftart Air America
- Lizenz: kostenlose Schriftart
- Sprachunterstützung: Latein
- Stichworte: dekorativ, für Reklametafeln, für Schilder, interessant, Werbung
Informationen zur Schriftartdatei:
- Ausführung:Version 1.100;PS 001.100;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775
- Gesellschaft:Aaron Bell � Saja Typeworks
- Designer:William G. Sherman
- Kurzbeschreibung:This font was produced for William G. Sherman who recreated this alphabet from samples of the logo and other sources from the airline company Air America. Paid for by his family. "Air America" name used with permission from the Air America Association ( Digitized and modified by Aaron Bell (Saja Typeworks).
- URL:
- Lizenz:This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
- Lizenz URL: